April 2022 Newsletter
Revision of February 2022 Toolbox
Website update
What Are High Touch Surfaces
Clean Office Exterior
High touch surfaces are those that people frequently touch with their hands, which could therefore become easily contaminated with microorganisms and picked up by others on their hands.
For example, door handles, light switches, and shared equipment.
Infections primarily spread via respiratory systems and being in close contact with others, but another common way is via our hands.
They touch so many things throughout the day and can easily carry microorganisms, which could then infect you via routes of entry (such as if you use your hands to eat without washing them first).
People say you should never judge a book by its cover, though when it comes to your business’ exterior, appearances really do matter. Every individual entering your premises will form a first impression of your company based on the appearance of your building.
AM Retail Services knows how to make sure your business looks as good as possible and makes sure visitors form the best possible opinion of your operation before they get through the door.
Nothing makes a business look shabbier than neglected signage. The name of your business should be loud and proud on the front of your building, demonstrate that you take pride in your work by investing time in upkeep for your signage by arranging a monthly wash.
OH&S Updates
The next quarterly OHS meeting will be held on the 25th May 2022 using Microsoft Teams run by Louie with AM Retail managers and employee representatives. There were no lost time injuries in March 2022 and no environmental incidents and no fines from regulators..
Employees of the Month
We are pleased to acknowledge a terrific job done by our employees:
- Sashini Dunasekara
- Aaron Grey
- Sara Fraser
- Irene Dowell
- Graham Deaner
in April and in the past three months. Site managers are very happy with the services provided.
We also would like to thank Jeannette Champion who has been with our company for almost 1 year.
AM Retail Services is grateful for Jeannette‘s incredible work at multiple sites. Jeannette will receive a $50 Myer card voucher.