December 2021 Newsletter
Revision of November 2021 Toolbox
Website update
Save Your Back
Cleaning and Disinfecting
We have all been told to avoid back injury by bending our knees when we lift, keeping the load close and avoiding twisting motions.
These safety rules may be appropriate for simple, direct lifting of materials, but what about back care when you are working in awkward positions? Work tasks that require you to reach or stretch away from your body while handling materials can also put excessive strain on the vertebral discs and soft tissues in the back.
An awkward position is a work posture that distorts the spine from its natural curves, puts unbalanced pressure on the discs, and can strain arm, leg or back tissues if held for any length of time.
There are important differences between cleaning and disinfecting; for example, sometimes surfaces can look clean without necessarily being hygienic.
To be more specific, cleaning removes surface level dirt and germs, while disinfecting actually kills the germs on the surfaces properly so that the germs don’t create a risk to people.
Sometimes thorough cleaning can be effective at decreasing the spread of infection, but only fully disinfecting areas can decrease the risk even more.
OH&S Updates
The next quarterly OHS meeting will be held on the 10th of February 2022 using Microsoft Teams run by Louie with AM Retail managers and employee representatives. There were no lost time injuries in October and November 2021 and no environmental incidents and no fines from regulators.
Employees of the Month
We are pleased to acknowledge a fantastic job done by our employees:
- Benny Wong
- Vicki Wilson
- Julie Wade
- Karen Wackett
- Toakase Vea
in December and in the past three months. Our customers are impressed with high standards of services.
We also would like to thank Jimmy Paez who has been with our company for 4 years.
Jimmy has done a fantastic job cleaning at a high standard. Jimmy will receive a $50 Myer card voucher.