September 2019 Newsletter
Revision of August 2019 Toolbox
Website update
Preventing Strains and Sprains
School Cleaning
The Safety Meeting Outline is structured to help you apply general material handling rules to specific activities in which your employees are involved. You can choose work activities which apply to these principles and structure your safety meeting presentation to address them.
Identify a task involving material handling (lifting, pushing, carrying, setting down, etc.).
Break the task down into its most basic steps. What does the worker do? (Example: lift a case of material from a truck bed, turn and carry it to a location in the building where it is set on the ground).
Schools and colleges are busy areas where every day hundreds of learners, staff members and others pass through. It’s essential to keep schools and colleges in a clean and hygienic state always.
AM Retail Services is specialised in providing all classroom cleansing thoroughly and extensively, as well as raising health and safety standards in learning facilities, where a clean atmosphere leads to a more comfortable place to work, helping to enhance your students‘ experience and showing them that they are appreciated by showing concern for their welfare.
OH&S Updates
The next quarterly OHS meeting will be held on the 8th of November 2019 at our head office in Melbourne. There were no lost time injuries in September 2019 and no environmental incidents and no fines from regulators.
Employees of the Month
We are pleased to acknowledge a fantastic job done by our employees:
- Gina Mastaing
- Jessica Mannagh
- Suzanne Malone
- Brett Lynch
- Sultana Ljubovic
in September and in the past three months. Our customers are impressed with high standards of services.
We also would like to thank Graham Deaner who has been with our company for 6 years.
Graham has done a fantastic job cleaning at a high standard. Graham will receive a $50 Myer card voucher.